Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Totally Dependent

So Karis has been home for two nights and I'm so fascinated by her.  What I'm the most fascinated about is the fact that she is totally dependent upon Holly and I.  Her very well being and survival is contingent upon us feeding her, keeping her warm and discerning certain warning signs that might indicate that something is wrong.  Lucky for Karis, Holly and I have so much love for her that we will probably overprotect her until we are confident that she is fully healthy.

You can probably see where I'm going with this, but I'll say it anyways.  I'm appreciating my own dependency upon God a bit more lately.  I can totally see how I mirror Karis in my relationship with God.  How God is always watching over me and trying to lead me in my journey.  I am so helpless on this journey with finding the right path, knowing which way to go, even having provision to make it to completion.  It kind of makes the portion of the sermon on the mount which says not to worry about what you will eat, wear, where you will sleep, for the future, etc. stand out in a new way.  We cannot fully live into this until we are OK with being totally dependent on God.  Able to soak up the love, grace and provision that comes our way from a God who cares more about us that the lilies of the field and the birds of the air.

God grant me the grace to accept my total dependence upon you and the strength and knowlege to take care of this precious baby that you have blessed us with.

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