Tuesday, January 19, 2010

God's sense of humor

I don't know about you, but I am not a big fan of the phrase "God's sense of humor." It is usually used by Christians who find themselves doing something that they never set out to do. For example, don't ever say that you will not go to Africa, because God in his sense of humor will send you there. Or never say that you hate working with kids because God in his sense of humor will have you volunteering at the first opportunity. Or this one if for my wife, never say that you will not marry a pastor because God in his sense of humor will have you fall in love with one. There are many more examples that I could use, but I'll spare you.

Here is my beef. I do not think God is just waiting for us to make such statements so we can be proven wrong. I think what happens is usually this. We make such statements because deep down we have a life affirming connection to those situations, but are afraid to admit it. And what happens is that as we are being discipled and molded by God, those life affirming connections begin to become more apparent to us. Here is another example. I never in a million years would have imagined becoming a youth pastor. I am an introvert who is largely impatient when it comes to childish behavior from people that know better. But yet five years ago I found myself interviewing for a youth pastor position. Now little did I know that decision would lead to a situation that would profoundly shape my life and view of ministry due to the connections that I would make with colleagues. But because I was moved outside of my comfort zone, I learned more about myself and my calling that I ever would have if that step had not been taken.

Is that God's sense of humor, or is it just irony?

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