Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekly update

So I am going to institute a new pattern on my blog that I'm stealing from Marko.  I'm going to try and post an update on Monday of each week some thought from the past week and the week upcoming.  Hopefully you will find it entertaining or at the very least informative.  So here we go.

The week that was:

I struggled with all of the rainy weather this past week.  I felt like I was in a funk constantly and didn't want to get out of bed.  There may have been some other factors for that feeling too, but I'm going to blame it on the weather.  My in-laws had visited the previous weekend and therefore I didn't get to be the lazy slob that I usually am on the weekend.  Thankfully I had a great time with them here.  Other than that, I team taught at our church yesterday with Doug and Kelly in our family worship service.  We talked about imagination and how our kids seem to get some of the things that Jesus talked about with regard to the Kingdom of God because they are not jaded by the "real world."  I think it went well and we received some positive feedback, but then again people in the church usually don't rip you to your face do they.

On tap this week:

I have much to get done in the office before Doug, Mear, Holly and I leave for a conference in Nashville and my subsequent vacation after that.  I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to this conference.  Mainly because I am spending time with my wife, my good friends and I'm going home.  Holly and I are going to try and show Doug and Mear many of the great things about Nashville, mainly the awesome food.  (Yes Wendy, I talked about food again!!!)  Anyways, we are also having a family/friends baby shower for our daughter that will be here in March.  It should be a great time!

Music that I couldn't stop listening to:

Some of you may not know this about me, but I tend to listen to the same thing over and over again until I move on to something else.  So I tend to find a few albums or songs and then wear them out.  Usually this includes a Dave Matthews Band album which bugs Holly since every time she gets in my car there is a DMB Cd that's playing.  But this past week I bought a new album that I absolutely love.  It's from the worship band at Jacob's Well church in KC.  The artist is listed as Mike Crawford and His Secret Siblings.  Mike Crawford Album Cover What a great name!  Anyways, it's so different from what I would expect that I think I am drawn to it.  Many of their songs are taken straight out of scripture or are engagements with scripture.  I cannot say enough about this album.  It is a 2 disc set that you can buy here or preview some of it here.  If you're looking for something different to listen to or even possibly use at your church, give this a listen to.

What I'm reading at the moment:

Lots of things acutally, but I recently picked up the book The Year of Living Biblically.  This was written by a self proclaimed secualr Jew who considers himself agnostic.  He decides that he wants to try and live for a full year by all of the laws in the Bible.  I'm a chapter into it and find it very fascinating.  I'm also reading a few books for the class that I'm teaching in Jan.  Never too early to prepare!

What I'm keeping an eye on:

Tony Jones is going to be engaging in a blogalogue about Gay Marriage on  I am really intrigued because of the pre-posts that he is putting on his blog about how he knows that he's going to take some hits for what he might say.  Unfortunately this is a converstion that the church should be having but many are not.  I applaud Tony for doing this.  I may not agree with everything that he says, but I will read and respect his opinion and that of the person that he is interacting with.

Lastly, I'm keeping an eye on who Tennessee will name as their new head football coach.  This is a very important hire for the university and I have no clue where they will go with this.  Let's hope it is someone who can come in and continue to build a good legacy and win a championship as well.

That's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. i got the jacob's well cd too. it's good. thanks for the comments on the sermon, btw. take it easy
