Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Jesus We Missed: A Review

Let me first say that I received this book for free in exchange for a review from Booksneeze.  In this book the author seeks to paint a picture of the humanity of Jesus through the stories that are found in scripture.  Upon reading the title of this book I half expected to get a dense theological work on the historical Jesus, but instead this book is an easy to read and well written look at what scripture has to say about the humanity of Jesus.  I did not feel as if any of the information in the book was new, it seemed to be as if a magnifying glass was placed to certain aspects of the story of Jesus found in the gospels.  I do think that what is presented here does force the reader to look through the theological lens of what it means to say that Jesus was human, and in turn how that speaks to our own humanness.  I would recommend this book especially if it were read in a small or study group setting because it would seem to lend itself to good discussions.

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