Today's tale is about a person who is put on trial for being a Christian. This person lives in a land where it is illegal to be a Christian and there is a lot of evidence to condemn this person. They have pictures of them being in church, of leading prayers and the most damning evidence of all is a well used Bible. After a time of deliberation the judge gives this person a verdict of not guilty because even through all of this evidence the life this person leads does not stand as a threat to the state.
This was a heavy first tale to reflect on. I have thought about such things many a times but yet don't know where to start. I'm not by nature a person who rocks the boat. I usually try to pick my spots that will knock the boat off of center from time to time. I don't think that Rollins is telling us to be rebels about everything, but instead to understand that belonging to the Kingdom of God is different from the kingdom of the world. What we have to wrestle with is why do we so easily sell out to the kingdom of the world. I think that is a good question to ponder today.
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